Wednesday 15 January 2014

Shot List - Texas Chainsaw

For this activity, I watched the first two minutes of 'Texas Chainsaw 3D' (2013) and analysed what was happening in each shot.

I chose this opening because I liked the way it had quite a lot of action right at the beginning of the movie. Since we're only making two minutes of our horror film, I want to include action to set the mood for the horror genre. I also liked the use of vignette as this made the film look unique and added a sense of mystery. We could try to encorporate vignette when editing our film. The shots in this film change extremely quickly; some lasting less then a second. This builds up tension for the audience. This is useful to know because when creating our storyboard we will need to think of many different shots. Moreover, from doing our questionnaire, the audience said that they liked quick changing shots.

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