Friday 20 December 2013

Horror Questionnaire Results and Analysis

I created this video using the website Powtoon. It shows the results of the questionnaire and how these results will influence our own work.

Since the most popular sub genre was 'Supernatural', my partner and I would like to use vampires in our film. The comments that the audience gave were also quite helpful. We will try to make to make the film intense with lots of sudden action. We will avoid using an excessive amount of gore, however since we're using vampires, this usually means that the iconography of blood will be included. When creating our treatment we will think of a back story that outlines the need for gore.

Wednesday 18 December 2013


For this activity I created a questionnaire about horror movies. This was so that I could find out the demographics of my target audience and what their views on horror movies. This will help me to make decision on what I should and shouldn't include in my opening sequence.

The link to my questionnaire could be accessed via my blog in the link below:
Click here to take survey

I also used the social network 'Twitter' to post the link to my questionnaire, so that it would be easily accessible to my audience.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Iconography of Horror Films

I created the collage above using the app PicCollage. I used these images to show typical iconography in horror films. This includes scary characters which may be possessed, as seen in 'Insidious' and 'The Exorcist'. Some films include supernatural creatures such as vampires or werewolves. A lot of horror films include blood and gore, as seen in 'Saw' and 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre'. Additionally, horror films are typically set in "haunted" or abandoned houses. The victim in the films will usually be represented as hyperbolically scared, which can be seen in 'Scream'.
This activity has given me an insight into what it stereotypically included in horror films, therefore I can use some of this iconography in my own title sequence.