Wednesday 26 February 2014

Risk assessment

My partner created a new risk assessment for when we film again.

Monday 24 February 2014

Pre-filming activities

Focus Pull:

Here I experimented with using a focus pull in order to test how it would work before filming. I wanted to use this effect as a point of view shot to connote a character waking up with her eyes initially blurred, then going into focus. Moreover, opening and closing the lens on the camera helped to create the appearance of opening eyelids.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Storyboard and Shotlist

My partner drew the pictures for our storyboard. This was useful so that we'd know exactly what to film.  I then created a shot list

Tuesday 11 February 2014


Vampire Horror - Costumes

These are the costumes that our characters will wear.The victim will wear regular clothing, such as jeans and a jacket. This is conventional of horror films as it makes the audience relate the character, thus adding an increased sense of fear.
Damon Salvatore - 'The Vampire Diaries'

The villain will wear dark clothing as this connotes mystery. This is also conventional of vampires in other media texts, such as Damon in 'The Vampire Diaries' (see picture on the right). To make it clear to the audience that the villain is a vampire, he will wear coloured contacts and fangs. This can be seen in 'Twilight' and 'Interview with the Vampire'.

Edward Cullen - 'Twilight'
Lestat de Lioncourt - 'Interview with The Vampire'

Monday 10 February 2014

Final Treatment

My partner amended the treatment according to our new ideas.

Friday 7 February 2014

First Draft

Originally when coming up with concepts for our film pitch, we decided that at the beginning of the film the victims would be going on a camping trip in the woods. The opening would show the characters in a car travelling to the woods. My partner and I filmed this scene, and I then edited it using Final Cut Pro:-

We decided not to use this in our final product as it is not interesting enough and doesn't include the conventions of a horror movie.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Risk Assessment

For this activity I identified all the possible dangers that could occur during filming and how to prevent them. This task was essential as it would hopefully reduce the chance of any incidents happening.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Location Shots

For this activity I used pictures of the filming location, Bentley Priory, and described how certain places could fit into our story line. This task was useful so that I would know exactly where to go on the day of filming. This will also help to give a clearer idea of what our film would look like.